Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Woolly Wednesday - a Vertical Strip Tutorial

Happy Days!  It's nearly the weekend....
Well, okay not quite, but fast and furious move my knitting needles!
Whilst knitting quirky sleeves for my favourite Hoody Sweater - The Wonderful Wallaby which I purchased a while back from Ravelry, I discovered a way to make a vertical stripe as opposed to a horizontal one (okay, perhaps to other more experienced knitters it might not be a new concept, but to me it was a huge revelation)!  Here's the little cuff (this one is for a 4 year old) ready to roll.... 
This is what I mean - see, vertical stripes instead of the usual horizontal ones

With your chosen colours - (in this instance, I chose green and brown), I first knitted one whole row of brown - right round until the colour change

Now, dropping the brown yarn, pick up the next colour (green) and knit one stitch, slipping the next stitch (brown) purlwise all the way round to the colour change.  i.e. knit 1, slip 1, knit 1, slip 1, etc. to end

Drop the green yarn and pick up the brown yarn, repeat, but this time, knit the brown stitch and slip the green stitch (purlwise) all the way round.

  Remember to keep the work slightly loose because you are "carrying" a stitch of the opposite colour across the slipped stitch at the back, creating a "weave" which looks like this....

 I found that the "doubled" yarn created a thicker fabric so had to match the feel to the other sleeve.  It makes for a warmer, padded garment.  This time a different look was created but I followed the same principle as above.

A whole world of exciting different concepts and colour combos has just opened up!  This particular sweater is called "Little D's Crayons Sweater" and I will show the whole garment once I am finished.

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